Friday, March 11, 2011


I think mens are born, they are not made. Because even a boy made from female body they wont be function they will behave like a girls. But if the baby grow around strong family , the family will change the baby's behavior. But if a boy born with penile size under .6 inches the Dr. will changing the baby boy in to a baby girls. He might not tell the parents that the baby was a boy.
when that baby grows old some times the baby will have some filings for girl. She might be turn in to a lesbian. She will fell like muscular. when she hit puberty she might grow beards, and she might have question about her gender.

1 comment:

  1. Your post raises an important issue of whether doctors must get the partents's premission to 'make' a male child with a below standard size male genitals into a girl. So think about this a bit more. Doesn't this suggest that the pronouncement of whether a child will be a boy or a girl is dependent on doctors? Also, could you reread your post and clarify the example regarding the male child turned into a girl? Are you saying that the boy, who was made into a girl, can become a lesbina or the girl that child becomes attracted to might be a lesbian?
