1) What was the one assignment that was fun to do and why? what did you learn from this assignment?
Ans: I had fun doing the Photo Analysis Paper. From this assignment I learn that how men act, How can we recognize someone as a man from a Photo.
2) What was the one assignment that you did not care for? why?
Ans: I cared about all the assignment we did.
3) Do you think, overall, Blogger was a useful tool for this class? In what ways?
Ans: I thing Blogger was a useful tool for this class. Because in blogger it's easy to do work and we can have more time to it. We can submit home work, exam from home.
4) Describe one kind of assignment or task that we did NOT do that you either did on your own OR an assignment you would have liked to have done, or a TYPE of assignment you would have liked to have done more of?
Thank you for the feedback, Anthony. Is there any type of an assignment you would have like to have done in this class that we did not do?